So this is the last post that will wrap up our summer blog vacation! Choosing my favorite pinterest pins was hard enough, but choosing my favorite blogs is TERRIBLE. I adore reading and pre-kids, I would tear through books. Now. Well, I still love a good book, but the time I have allotted for reading is much shorter and I find myself stealing precious minutes on my Kindle Fire – reading both books and blogs! To help narrow down my choices (because I have probably 40 of my favorite blogs bookmarked on my pc), I’ll tell you what I have saved on my Kindle as my all-time-favorite-check-em-everyday blogs.
In no particular order or category…
Alicia used to be a professional photographer, and I currently own a photography studio, so I found her when I was just starting out. She has since closed her studio, and moved into the deep woods of Pennsylvania. She has just resumed blogging and somehow, I stumbled across her blog again…and it came at just the right time…I needed a fresh perspective on my business, natural living and everything in between. Thanks to her, I’ve even started getting up a little earlier! (just a little. That darned snooze button…)
Lora was gracious enough to do an interview with us when we first started our blog and it was perfect! Not because SHE is perfect, but because she was real. When you read someone’s blog, you tend to form this idealistic view that they have clean homes, mild-mannered children who never spill things or argue, and they always find time to blog and make 4-course meals. (if it makes any of you feel better, last night we had scrambled eggs for dinner…) Lora makes no pretenses and she shares the nitty-gritty details of life with 7 kids, adoption, and homeschooling. She once shared a picture of all of the dirty dishes in her sink. I was hooked from that point on.
I honestly don’t remember how I stumbled onto Katie’s blog, but I love it! She and her 4 kids and hubby were tired of living with debt, so they packed up and lived in an RV for 8 months so that they could become debt free! While homeschooling! And eating a Traditional Foods based diet! They have since built a homestead and had baby #5 and she shares some great recipes and snack ideas. It’s encouraging to see how she balances homeschooling, homesteading, natural living and family life.
Simple Homeschool is one of several blogs under the Simple Living media network and I regularly check all of them! However, we are a homeschooling family, and as I gear up for this coming year, it’s been a great resource!
Frugally Sustainable was one of Gretchen’s picks from last week, and although it’s a repeat, it is definitely one of my favorites and a daily read for me. Andrea has wonderful topics on a broad range of things – from frugal meals to natural living to homeopathic remedies, to living off-grid. I love how diverse her articles are and they are always well cited and well written!
This is one of my go-to blogs when I’m looking for a slow cooker recipe! Stephanie challenged herself to cook with ONLY her crock pot for an entire year and she came up with some great recipes!
This blog has FANTASTIC recipe ideas based off of a Traditional Foods diet, featuring alot of gluten free items! I feel like we fall into the rut of eating the same meals over and over again, but The Nourishing Home has some great variations and wonderful ideas!
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