Confession: I’m addicted to planners.
I love *thinking* that I’m organized, and so I have tried dozens of planners (all with pretty font and graphics, of course)! Once I started homeschooling, I added yet another dimension to our life, and while trying to schedule our menus, church life, blogging, outside commitments and now our school records, I realized that I could no longer get by with a simple day timer.
And then I found…
[cue angels and Hallelujah Chorus]
I saw another mom carrying this one day when we met for a homeschool co-op meeting and it looked almost intimidating – every line was filled in on the sheet and she was able to plan and schedule the curriculum that she was using for all FOUR of her children on ONE sheet without getting lost and using copious amounts of sticky notes!
When I started homeschooling my oldest, this planner went on the top of my list and I am so excited to share it with you today – and the folks at the Well Planned Day were kind enough to sponsor our post today and one lucky homeschool mom is going to win a FREE Well Planned Day Printed Planner for 2012-2013!! (a $24.95 value!)
But clam down…
…first the details…
Take a look…
[there are some great articles in there too!]
These planners are great! I really CAN plan everything from one book – from meals and grocery lists, to math assignments and next years’ calendar! Here are the fabulous details, as listed on the WPD site:
Spiral Bound with Three Hole Drilled to Fit into Binders
Over 230 Full Color Pages
Full Year Planner: July 2012 – June 2013
Home Management with weekly cleaning schedule, monthly projects, greeting card registry, and monthly budgeting.
Holiday Organization Section: Greeting card registry, activities and event schedules, gift giving, around town shopping, and internet shopping.
Organize and plan for up to 4 children in one convenient book.
Four Student Class Plans: Schedule each student’s class assignments.
Four Student Time Schedules: Track each day by the hour.
Weekly Schedule: Organize your week with class assignments, weekly priorities, prayer requests, dinner menu, and notes.
Month at a Glance: Plan field trips, enrichment activities and books to read
Semester Attendance & Progress Reports
Perforated Report Cards
Menu Planning: Plan weekly meals and conveniently shop with perforated shopping lists.
Family Worship: Read through the Bible in a year.
Insightful homeschool articles and tips to inspire you throughout the year.
The lovely people at WPD thought of everything! No joke – there are even spots to place a small photo of your child at the beginning of the school year, with lines to record their age, height, weight, challenges, strengths, etc.
It’s like a functional time capsule!
My personal favorites:
The perforated cards for charting each child’s daily duties (they can be filled in and then removed from the planner and given to each child. Then, your kiddo has a mini checklist of what needs to be done each day)
a section to plan out next year’s curriculum
a spot to keep track of a running book list for each month and each semester
a one page, one year calendar so it’s easy to keep attendance records per child
easy to adapt daily schedule
a place to record filed trip info and ideas
What I don’t use/need:
There are sections for a daily schedule for mom and for up to four kids, broken down into 15 minute increments. I dream of being that organized, but when I try it, it makes me twitch.
Cardstock, removable report cards. These are in the back and there are 4 of them, but our state doesn’t require that I issue or turn in report cards, so these aren’t necessary for our situation.
There are sections for household management/budgeting, as well as gift giving and holiday budgets. These are so handy, but thankfully my wonderful hubby handles the finances, so I personally don’t need these. However, if you are the one that keeps track of the household budget, these would be really handy to have!
Overall, my only complaint is that there is too much stuff in the planner! It really is a household management binder meets homeschool planner and even after looking at and trying other planners over the last 2 years, this is, hands down, my favorite.
If you’d like to see a preview of the planner- scheduling sheets and all, head over to The Well Planner Day shop and you can view an online demo of the planner!
And now for the fun part!
You can enter here for a chance to WIN a FREE Well Planned Day 2012-2013 Planner, courtesy of Home Educating Family (the brilliant designers of the Well Planned Day line of planners and calendars for homeschoolers!)
—————–The Giveaway is now closed———————–
Thanks to, our winner is Colleen!
Here’s how to enter:
leave one comment for each item that you complete:
like Cheeky Bums Market on facebook and then come back here and tell us that you did/do
“like” the Well Planned Day on facebook and then come back here and tell us that you did/do
subscribe to our blog posts via email (there’s a handy dandy entry field in the sidebar) and then come back here and tell us that you did/do
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follow The Well Planned Day on twitter! (@HomeschoolConv) and then come back here and tell us that you did/do
tweet this phrase: @CheekyBumsBlog is giving away a Well Planned Day 2012-13 Planner today on the blog! #homeschool – and then come back here and tell us that you did/do
share this on facebook: Cheeky Bums Blog is giving away a Well Planned Day 2012-13 Planner today on the blog! – and then come back here and tell us that you did/do
leave a comment telling me how long you have been homeschooling!
The giveaway will end on Monday, September 17th at 10am EST and the winner will be announced on Monday afternoon here on the blog and via facebook and twitter!
ready, set, go!
The fine print: This giveaway is only open to residents of the United States and it is not connected with any social media sites. I was provided with a complimentary 2012-2013 printed planner for review but all opinions in this post are my own.
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