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{simplify} : It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better

Writer's picture: Kelsi ReaKelsi Rea

Feel free to read the other {simplify} posts here.

“Sometimes life has to get more complicated before it can get simpler.” ~Elaine St. James

Oh, how true this is.

Just as we are beginning to simplify, we seem to be taking steps backwards.

Controlled piles of junk are now chaos. There are boxes and bags and stuff littering every crevice of a room…or your whole house.

This is a very REAL thing and a frustrating one at that. But don’t get discouraged just yet. Let the chaos rear it’s ugly head for just a bit before you say “GOOD BYE” for good.

As I started decluttering our junk room, I would often times walk away feeling dazed, frustrated, and beat by the disaster. My piles were no longer piles and there seemed to be more stuff in the room than when I began. I knew that it had to become like this but it’s discouraging. It feels like absolutely NO progress is being made.

Before my discouragement got the best of me, I decided some immediate action needed to be taken and I took several boxes and bags out of the room and to their appropriate destinies (Goodwill, trash, friends) to give me back a bit of accomplishment.

I just recently read a very similar quote on Pinterest: “It gets worse BEFORE it gets better.” ~Someone smart

I think we would all benefit from having this quote posted around our homes and offices. It’s the truth but it’s hard truth. We don’t like things to be difficult. We want things to come easily. And in the case of simplifying, if we have areas of clutter or whole junk rooms…or houses, then it is obviously not something that comes easily to us. We have to work at it and we have to want it.

So as you begin simplifying (your schedule, your daily routines, your meal planning, your possessions) allow it to become more complicated.

Don’t give in when things get messier.

Allow the complication to play itself out.

Give it, it’s last hurrah.

And KNOW that if you continue the process that you will succeed. Things will get better. Your ideals of your daily life or home can become realities.

I’m heading back to the room knowing that things may continue to seem worse for a while longer. But we have a goal in mind and know it has to be done with baby #2 on the way. The outcome will be successful.


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This post was liinked to Simple Lives Thursday at Gnowfglins, Frugal Fridays at Life as Mom, Welcome Home Link Up at Raising Arrows,  Homesteader Blog Carnival at The Morris Tribe, Better Mom Mondays at The Better Mom, Seasonal Celebrations at The Natural Mother’s Network, Titus 2 Tuesdays at Cornerstone Confessions,  What Works Wednesday at Upside Down Homeschooler, Frugal Days, Sustainable Ways at Frugally Sustainable, WLWW at Women Living Well

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